About Me

My name is Cesia Hernandez, and I am currently a senior at SUNY Oneonta, majoring in Women and Gender Studies and Political Science. This project is the culmination of my undergraduate education as a Women and Gender Studies major. This capstone is focused on Reproductive rights as it is one of my major areas of interest in the field. This project highlights the restrictive abortion laws in El Salvador. Although the project mainly focuses on El Salvador, this site also highlights other Latin American countries and their abortion laws. On his site, you will find an overview of El Salvador’s current abortion laws and their intersection with class and the Prison Industrial System.
Furthermore, you will find a news and resources page that mentions international treaties protecting women’s reproductive rights. The news section aims to highlight and keep readers up to date with the achievement of feminist organizing reading abortion laws. The last section highlights organizations and activists. This section aims to let readers know about organizations working on similar issues and highlight activists and the work they do to advance reproductive rights. This project is a complication of information about the current situation of abortion rights in El Salvador and Latin America; I hope you find it interesting and learn something new from this site.


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